(longa Comedy) Siya Xilungu Kaya Longa Comedy 5 minutes, 39 seconds |
The Promised Date @xilumani Hotel (part 2) Longa Comedy 11 minutes, 39 seconds |
The Promised Date @xilumani Hotel Longa Comedy 18 minutes, 26 seconds |
Niyisi A Xilumani Hotel(valentine's Special) Longa Comedy 10 minutes, 44 seconds |
Longa Comedy. (bvukubvenyenye) The Community Wants To Deal W Longa Comedy 14 minutes, 12 seconds |
Ni Post(post Me) Longa Comedy 8 minutes, 40 seconds |
Vututulantula (big Trouble) (part 2) Longa Comedy 14 minutes, 38 seconds |
When The Impossible Happens (singilicious In Trouble) Longa Comedy 13 minutes, 28 seconds |
Matandza (eggs) Longa Comedy 16 minutes, 27 seconds |
U Ta Ku Enhla (you Will Get Off) Longa Comedy 7 minutes, 34 seconds |